At some point all professions will be affected by Artificial Intelligence in some way or even replacement by robots or automations. This is inevitable and I believe it should be used to our advantage. Give machines the jobs that should be done by machines. In the same way that humans digitally recreate elements of nature, artificial intelligences will recreate what humans create. 
Creativity is not a linear process and consumes several references for the artist to create a piece of art. Artificial intelligence in the current moment also consumes several references in a restricted way, violating intellectual properties and restricted rights of artists creating a bizarre lasagna that for some people can be called art but for the category of artists it is an insult to be presented as being in the same intellectual, creative and rights level.
This material created in Substance Designer in the near future may be created parametrically by the AI, but the intention/reason of this art as a protest will only be created by the AI in a burst of randomness.

December 16, 2022